
hey there!

Welcome to my blog. I’m Val. I’m an entrepreneur - turned mindset mentor that loves telling stories. I like to call myself a serial learner with a passion for personal development.

This blog is for anyone that wants to become a happier version of themselves. I’ll be sharing my own personal stories about the lessons I’ve learned throughout my life here in hopes of providing you with insights that will help you find the happiness you desire.

Val Malnar Val Malnar

A Huge AHA, Self-Sabotage & A Strategy for Success

In today’s episode I’m sharing a HUGE aha moment that led to me realizing how wealthy I am within my core values, but how I might be subconsciously self-sabotaging my level of financial success. I’ll be sharing; the 3 people that helped turn on the light bulb, how my core values are related to my wealth, how I might be subconsciously self-sabotaging my financial success and a strategy I’m trying to get me to the next level. Click here for more info.

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Val Malnar Val Malnar

Update from Florida - What I’ve Learned So Far

I’m checking in after a LONG BREAK to let you know what’s been going on in Florida - all the ups and downs we’ve experienced since moving here and what I’ve learned during this last year. I’ll be sharing; what I truly value, how every hardship really does have a silver lining and why I really should practice more patience. Click here to read or listen.

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Val Malnar Val Malnar

Life Update & Moving to Florida

I’m touching base after a bit of a hiatus to let you know what’s been going on, how the Florida move is progressing and some lessons I’ve learned along the way. I’ll be discussing; letting go the need to control, how to know when you’re on the right path, trusting the universe and giving grace when grace is due. Click here to read or listen.

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Val Malnar Val Malnar

TRUE Self-Worth : My First Epiphany of 2023

Today I’m sharing an inspiring story I heard at the beginning of the New Year that ended up being pretty profound for me with respect to understanding true self-worth. What I learned was so important that I just had to share. I’ll be sharing the inspirational story, the epiphany I had, why some people struggle with self-worth and how to improve self-worth if yours is lacking. Click here to read or listen.

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Val Malnar Val Malnar

Honouring Yourself When You Need a Break + 5 Key Lessons

When you need a break, I’m encouraging you to take time to relax and enjoy time with your family, time with your friends, time with yourself. Today I’m discussing; What led me to desperately needing a break, A huge mistake I “almost” made and 5 lessons I learned from taking some time to rest. Click here to read or listen.

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Val Malnar Val Malnar

The Fastest Way to Up-Level Your Life

Are you looking to become a better version of the person you already are? Do you have dreams that you have yet to fulfill? Do you just “know” you were meant for more? If this sounds like you, click here to read about 5 things you can do to uplevel your life as quickly as possible.

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Val Malnar Val Malnar

Fearlessness, Self-Worth & Building Confidence [An Interview with Jodie Lee]

In this episode, I’m talking to Entrepreneur, Event Planner, Marine Consultant and World Traveller, Jodie Lee. Jodie is a long-time friend and an absolute inspiration to me. I wanted to interview her to see her perspective on life, how she operates and what gives her the courage to take on big things in her life. We discuss; Why she’s so fearless, How she embodies her self-worth, What helps her grow her confidence and her mantra for living her best life.

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Val Malnar Val Malnar

10 Strategies to Be More Confident in 30 Days

For 30 days I worked on attracting more confidence into my life and it worked! Today I’m sharing where I was lacking confidence & how I improved it, how to overcome limiting beliefs, the game-changing idea I learned from Anthony Trucks and how to see success in everything you do. Click here to read or listen all about it.

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Val Malnar Val Malnar

5 Essential Practices for Becoming & Staying Happy

At 46 years old, I feel like I’ve finally cracked the happiness code and I’m sharing what I feel are the 5 most important practices I’ve incorporated into my life to feel happy every day. Click here to learn more.

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Val Malnar Val Malnar

Why Getting Fired Was the Best Thing for My Career

It took me awhile to admit that I was actually fired from a job. Not laid off….fired. I was mortified! Now I embrace that moment as one of the best things that could have ever happened to me and I’m sharing why in today’s blog & podcast. Click here to see how you can find the silver lining in your challenging situation.

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Val Malnar Val Malnar

The One Thing You Can Do to Catapult Yourself Into Your Best Life

Two and a half years ago I was on a path toward living my best life. Things were looking really good for me career-wise and I was super excited for what was to come. Then the pandemic hit. Like most people, how I was living my life changed. I fell off track for a while, but I’ve found my way back and today I'm sharing THE ONE THING you can do to catapult yourself into your best life. Click here to learn more.

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